My Recovery Journey after I got floxxed .

5 min readJul 22, 2020

It was March 2019, I had a cough I’ve been fighting for two weeks, I’ve always tried to avoid drugs, however, we had a trip to Japan coming up and I wanted to feel healthy, and better for my trip. I went to the doctor and she prescribed LEVOFLOXACIN to attack the infection in my throat, the next morning everything felt like falling apart…

I’m writing this for people like me who naively trusted a doctor, and took a drug without informing themselves. Don’t be me, read, ask, and do your research. I hope this gives hope to people who have been floxed or intoxicated with this poison or “class of drugs” called FLUOROQUINOLONES.

I am not a doctor I just want to share how I recovered hopefully this can help you. I know you are scared, angry, and frustrated but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Short story of how my health crashed down after I took 4 pills of levofloxacin (Levaquin).

The morning after I took the first dose of levofloxacin I woke up with pain in my calves like if I have climbed a mountain, my mood was like a rollercoaster, it was really after the 3rd pill that I knew something was happening. I was extremely anxious, tired, my stomach was very upset and I started to have strong headaches. From there, the pains just got worse, I could barely walk, I was in so much pain I discovered muscles in my body I didn’t know existed until they were hurting, my eyelids were hurting, my ears, just everything! I started losing my hair, my skin got dry, I wanted to…

